
Everton Primary School

Everyone. Everyday. Everlasting.

Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE)





At Everton Primary School, we believe our PSHE and RSE is an essential part of our curriculum; we don’t believe this is a stand-alone subject and the values which underpin this education are integral to our daily practise and our EverTen values. Our intent is for our teachers to deliver a Curriculum, promoting enthusiasm and curiosity so children are equipped with the understanding, knowledge and skills to be the best version of themselves. Children's emotional health and wellbeing has a huge impact on their ability to learn and so a whole-school approach is vital to improving the emotional health and wellbeing of our school community, particularly so after the Covid 19 pandemic, helping to keep our children safe and raise achievement. Our intent is for our children to have a rounded understanding of: how to be safe, how to care for themselves and others, how to achieve, how to develop resilience and how to develop and maintain healthy friendships.


 At Everton Primary School, our aim is to deliver a curriculum which gives children the confidence to understand the importance of equity and diversity in our world and to develop the ability to be independently respectful of other people and their way of life. Our intention is that children will be curious and enthusiastic about their learning, while showing kindness and honesty during whole-class discussions.


We believe that our PSHE curriculum prepares our children for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences that they may come across in later life. Our PSHE curriculum develops learning, and results in the acquisition of knowledge and skills, enabling children to confidently access the wider curriculum, work collaboratively, as a team, with others and make a positive contribution to the life of the school. We believe at Everton that we need to equip pupils with an age-appropriate, sound understanding of risk, with the knowledge and skills necessary to make safe and informed decisions and to recognise the importance of their own mental health and well-being.

We believe that to develop the respect needed for others, we need to respect ourselves. We are kind, honest and consider others in all that we do. Healthy relationships with one another and ourselves are integral to our ‘EverTen’ (independence, resilience, ambition, kindness, confidence, teamwork, curiosity, enthusiasm, honesty and respect).

At Everton, our PSHE curriculum incorporates an age appropriate understanding of RSE, as set out in the statutory guidance, enabling all children to be safe and to understand and develop healthy relationships both now and in their future lives. We believe that teaching about mental wellbeing is fundamental to what we do. We know that children and young people are increasingly experiencing challenges, and here at Everton, we want to support, nurture and equip our pupils. Our PSHE curriculum works alongside our Thrive approach to develop positive mental health and emotional wellbeing in our pupils.






The way in which we implement our curriculum:

At Everton Primary we use Coram Life Education and their SCARF scheme to help us to deliver our PSHE curriculum. SCARF stands for: 


  • Safety
  • Caring
  • Achievement
  • Resilience
  • Friendship


The way in which our curriculum is implemented:


  • Our curriculum for PSHE has been mapped out on our progression document, ensuring children year on year develop their knowledge and skills.
  • The 6 units, we teach from the SCARF programme are: Me and My Relationships, Valuing Difference, Keeping Myself Safe, Rights and Responsibilities, Being My Best and Growing and Changing.
  • In each class, we have a weekly SCARF PSHE lesson.
  • Daily, usually after lunch, each class practise Take 5 mediation; this really helps re-focus children after they have been outside for break.
  • In school, there is a Thrive Room, which is used as a safe space for children who require our Thrive Provision.
  • In a PSHE lesson, there will be: 1. Revisit and review, 2. Vocabulary development, 3. Teacher input (modelling), 4. Learning task and 5. Assessment of learning and review of the lesson.
  • Within our lessons, a key component is to review previous learning, allowing children to understand their learning journey and giving them the confidence to be able to articulate their understanding and link learning together. Learning is reviewed in a range of ways: quizzes, games and mini assessments. Teachers also review through morning starter activities. This keeps learning refreshed and supports their long-term retention.
  • Children do not work in books for our SCARF lessons, but instead, each class have a Floor Book, where they record contributions, topics discussed and the learning intention. These are used to support the review of prior learning and to build up a learning journey.
  • Vocabulary is an integral part of our PSHE curriculum; we believe it is crucial we give our children the language to be able to talk and write confidently.
  • The importance of relationships are integral at Everton Primary school and the principles of positive relationships are explicitly discussed across all year groups to enable our pupils to understand the features that are likely to lead to happiness and security.
  •  Our PSHE lessons facilitate the explicit teaching of how friendships can support mental wellbeing.




The amazing children of Everton Primary School will (by the end of Year 6):


  • Know and understand the difference between healthy and unhealthy relationships.
  • Know what peer pressure is and confidently know what to do if faced with a situation they don’t want to be in.
  • Know the importance of valuing, respecting and our differences in society.
  • Know about the many dangers around them.
  • Know how amazing the internet is but understand how dangerous it can be if it isn’t used responsibly.
  • Know their human rights and respect others have the same rights.
  • Know how to administer basic first aid.
  • Know our bodies and mood can change through puberty and know some strategies to help us with this change.
  • Know the legal age of consent for sex.



Our Progression Document, Long Term and Medium Term plans display the learning for each point throughout our PSHE Curriculum.




