
Everton Primary School

Everyone. Everyday. Everlasting.

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  • April 2022

    Fri 15 Apr 2022

    Firstly, I would like to personally thank the community for their support in buying tickets for the school’s ‘Chocolate Raffles’. Money raised from the chocolate raffles is going to be used to improve our library and reading provisions in school. Thank you for the ink cartridge and foreign currency donations too – both of which continue to be collected in school during the summer term.


    Before the Easter break our Year 5 and 6 children completed their DAaRT course – learning about keeping themselves safe and reacting responsibly to different social situations as they grow up and move onto secondary school – and then took part in their DAaRT Graduation. The Year 5 and 6 children also took part in an informative ‘Flooding’ talk with the Canal and River Trust. Mr Scott introduced the whole school to a ‘Neuro-diversity Week’ where the children learnt about the variety of different ways in which they might learn, react and behaved to various situations. Finally, in the week before Easter, our children led the school’s Easter Service at Holy Trinity Church in Everton – singing traditional Easter hymns and performing dramatized readings for parents and carers.


    Everton Primary School had quite a bit of success in the sporting arena before Easter. The Year 3 and 4 boys did incredibly well when finishing fifth at a tournament at Doncaster Rovers’ stadium, whilst the school football team – made up of both boys and girls – won a keenly contested match against Beckingham Primary School 8-4.


    In exciting news following the Easter break, the school has a new look! We have had the corridor and hall painted and modernised and the children were very impressed upon their return. They were equally delighted with our new ‘Willow Dome’, which was kindly donated to school by Mrs Lee and put together by PTA parents and carers. The willow dome will give the children a quiet place to relax and reflect during break times.



    Best Wishes,

    Andrew Green


  • Advice to All Parents - Warn and Inform - 15th March 2022

    Tue 15 Mar 2022 Mr A Green

    Advice to All Parents - warn and inform


    Dear Parents,


    We have been advised that there have been confirmed cases of COVID-19 within the school. We appreciate that you may find this concerning, so we are continuing to monitor the situation and are providing the following advice. Please be reassured that for most people, coronavirus (COVID-19) will be a mild illness.


    This letter is to inform you of the current situation and provide advice on how to support your child. Please be reassured that for most people, coronavirus (COVID-19) will be a mild illness.


    What are we already doing?

    Students and staff who have tested positive are staying at home and will return to the setting once they are well and have completed the recommended isolation period.


    Outbreak control measures are also in place within the school and being kept under review.


    If your child is well

    The school remains open. If your child remains well, they can continue to attend school as normal.



    If your child develops symptoms of COVID-19 or tests positive for COVID-19

    If your child develops symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19), they should get a PCR test ( or call 119) and remain at home at least until the result is known and they are fever free (without medication) for at least 24 hours.

    • If negative, the child can end self-isolation and return to school once well.
    • If positive, the child should isolate as a positive case (see below)


    People who test positive for COVID-19 should self-isolate at home until they are well enough to return, no longer have a temperature and either:

    1. 10 full days have passed, or
    2. They have produced two negative LFD tests on consecutive days, with the first taken no earlier than day 5.


    Note: Lingering coughs and changes to smell/taste are not a sign of ongoing infectiousness, so children can return to school if they have ended their self-isolation period (see above).


    If your child does not have symptoms, count the day they took the test as day 0.


    You can seek advice on COVID-19 symptoms from the website. If you are concerned about your child’s symptoms, or they are worsening you can seek advice from NHS 111 at or by phoning 111.


    Advice for people who live in the same household as someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 or is symptomatic and awaiting a test result


    Children and young people who usually attend an education or childcare setting and who live with someone who has COVID-19 can continue to attend the setting as normal.



    Those who are at higher risk of severe illness from COVID-19 should be supported to minimise their contact with other people in the household during this period, regardless of whether others have symptoms or not. People at higher risk of becoming severely unwell if they are infected with COVID-19 include:


    How to reduce spread of COVID-19 if you live with someone who has COVID-19


    Even if you are vaccinated, you can still be infected with COVID-19 and pass it on to others. People who live in the same household or have had an overnight stay with  someone with COVID-19 or at highest risk as they are more likely to have had prolonged contact., you can help protect others by following the guidance on how to stay safe and help prevent the spread.


    To reduce the spread of COVID-19 in your community:

    • Minimise your contact with the person who has COVID-19
    • Work from home if you are able to do so (children and young people who are close contacts should continue to attend childcare and education as normal)
    • Avoid contact with anyone you know who is at higher risk of becoming severely unwell if they are infected with COVID-19, especially those with a severely weakened immune system.
    • Limit close contact with other people outside your household, especially in enclosed spaces (when not in school)
    • Wear a well fitting face covering with multiple layers or a surgical face mask for those aged 11 and over in crowded, enclosed or poorly ventilates spaces and when you are in close contact with other people
    • Pay close attention to the main symptoms of COVID-19. If you develop these symptoms order a PCR test. You are advised to stay at home and avoid contact with other people while you are waiting for your test result.
    • Follow the guidance on how to stay safe and help prevent the spread - GOV.UK (


    You should follow this advice for 10 days after the person you live with or stayed with symptoms started (or the day their test was taken if they did not have symptoms).


    If you are a health or social care worker or student undertaking a work placement who has been identified as a household contact and are exempt from self-isolation, there is additional guidance available that you should follow to reduce the risk of spread of COVID-19 in these settings.


    If you develop symptoms at any time, even if these are mild, you are advised to stay at home and avoid contact with others, arrange to have a COVID-19 PCR test, and follow the guidance for people with COVID-19 symptoms.


    For most people, coronavirus (COVID-19) will be a mild illness.


    How to stop coronavirus (COVID-19) spreading

    There are things you can do to help reduce the risk of you and anyone you live with getting ill with coronavirus (COVID-19):


    • Get vaccinated – everyone aged 12 and over can book COVID-19 vaccination appointments now and all adults have been offered at least 2 doses. Further advice about the recommended vaccination schedule and how to book a vaccine appointment is available here.
    • Get tested and stay at home if you have the main symptoms of COVID-19.
    • Wash your hands with soap and water or use hand sanitiser regularly throughout the day
    • Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve (not your hands) when you cough or sneeze
    • Put used tissues in the bin immediately and wash your hands afterwards
    • Meet people outside and avoid crowded areas
    • Open doors and windows to let in fresh air if meeting people inside
    • Wear a face covering if aged 11 and over when it's hard to stay away from other people – particularly indoors or in crowded places with people you do not usually meet


    Further Information


    Further information is available at


    Yours sincerely


    Mr Andrew Green

  • Commonwealth Games 2022 - Whole School Trip - 3rd August 2022

    Mon 14 Mar 2022 Mr A Green

    I am delighted to announce that the children of Everton Primary School have tickets to watch the Commonwealth Games being held in Birmingham during the summer!

  • March 2022

    Thu 10 Mar 2022 Mr A Green

    On Thursday 3rd March 2022 the children of Everton Primary School took part in ‘World Book Day’, dressing up as their favourite book character. We were very fortunate to have a professional author – Gavin Extence – come into our school and discuss his life and career to date as an author, as well as give valuable advice and techniques to the children about their reading and writing in the future. The children also mixed year groups and spent time reading to and listening to each other read which was lovely to see.  During the day, the school raised a total of £299.50 from the sale of second-hand books donated by the school stakeholders and people in the village (thank you) and cakes freshly baked by the PTA. This money we will be put towards the purchasing of new books for school – we are aiming to raise another £700 over the course of the year to use towards our library books project.


    On 1st March the children of Class 2 went to watch a special theatre production of the Roald Dahl classic ‘Matilda’ at the Retford Oaks Academy. The Year 3 and 4 children have been studying the text in class, so it was wonderful for them to experience the book come to life first hand via their secondary school aged peers.


    Recently in school, all the children have taken part in a ‘Road Safety Workshop’. Our Foundation children focused on ‘Stop Look Listen’ and holding hands whilst near busy roads; The Year 1 and 2 children did a true false game which concentrated on safer pedestrian behaviour; Years 3 and 4 looked at ‘in-car safety’; and Year 5 and 6 looked at how important seatbelts are and how they work, as well as walking on their own, safer pedestrian behaviour, safer crossing points and how to cross safely between parked cars when there is no other option. As you can imagine, all these items were very useful and worthwhile for the children to learn and understand for the own safety.


    Finally, Everton Primary School’s PTA have created two fundraising initiatives that are now up and running in school if anyone from the local community can help and support us:
    1. We have an 'ink bin' in school to collect old ink cartridges from small personal printers (unfortunately we can’t collect the larger toner cartridges). If you have any, or when you finish with the ones that you have got, then please send them into school.
    2. There is also a box in school to collect any unwanted foreign currency (notes and coins) from any country. This will be divided into different currencies and exchanged for GBP and put towards our school’s library project mentioned above. If coins and/or notes could be put into a sealed envelope or in a sealed/tied bag, then this would help.


    Many thanks in advance.


    Best Wishes,

    Andrew Green


  • World Book Day and PTA Message

    Tue 08 Mar 2022 Mr A Green

    World Book Day - A message from the PTA:

    We raised a total of £299.50 from the World Book Day event onThursday 3rd March 2022! That’s a greatamount that school canuse towards books. We are aiming to raise another £700 over thecourse of the year touse towards our library books project.

    There will be two fundraising initiatives that will be up and runningfrom tomorrow:

    1. We have an 'ink bin' in school to collect old ink cartridges fromsmall personal printers. Sadly we can’tcollect the larger tonercartridges. If you have any or when you finish with the ones thatyou have got thenplease send them into school.

    2. There will also be a box in school to collect any unwantedforeign currency (notes and coins) from anycountry. This will bedivided into different currencies and exchanged for GBP, and outtowards the libraryproject. If coins / notes could be put into asealed envelope or in a sealed/tied bag, then it will help.

    As a PTA we will keep everyone posted with updates of fundraising projects.

    Finally, a big 'thank you' to all children, parents and families whosupported the World Book Day event.

  • February 2022

    Mon 14 Feb 2022 Mr A Green

    It has been a very successful month for the children at Everton Primary School. Our Indoor Athletics team took part in the Bassetlaw Finals and finished a very credible 7th out of the 25 schools that took part in the competition overall. In addition to this, our Orienteering Team competed in the Bassetlaw Finals and finished a lofty 2nd out of the 15 schools that took part. We are so proud of our children’s sporting achievements so far during this academic year.


    As part of our children’s wider development, in the last week before half term, the whole school focused on Children’s Mental Health Week. We learnt about how music can affect our mood and wellbeing; about staying safe online through Safer Internet Day (Tuesday 8th February); the use of grounding techniques using our senses; and took part in SCARF Day (Thursday 10th February) – where we wore our favourite scarves to school in order to raise awareness of children’s mental health.


    Class 2 has now been fully decorated and the class are making full use of their new interactive whiteboard. We continue to update our ‘Achievement Board’ in school weekly to celebrate our pupils’ achievements both in and out of school – it is amazing the range of different awards and activities that our children succeed and take part in.


    As we try to integrate even more into the local community, the school has started a new Parent Teacher Association (PTA), so please listen out for upcoming fundraising events in and out of school in the lead up to Easter. With that in mind, if anyone has any books that they no longer need and could donate to Everton Primary School, then we would really appreciate them in order to raise money for our library project as part of World Book Day - full details will be sent later today via Dojo.


    Another recent project to get parents more involved with school has been to start a parent’s football club once a week, where I play football with any parents that wish to enjoy a friendly game whilst having the chance to discuss anything ‘school’ with me in a less formal setting.


    If you have any ideas of how you, or another member of the community, could help or support our school then please contact me via the school office.


    Best Wishes,

    Andrew Green


  • January 2022

    Mon 24 Jan 2022 Mr A Green

    It has been an incredibly busy and testing start to the year trying to balance the new Omicron variant whilst trying to make school as normal as possible. The children have been brilliant in school and the parents and carers have been incredibly supportive, which has shown school staff that we really are part of an EVERTeam.


    Our Class 3 children worked incredibly hard in the run up to Christmas and upon their return on their Christmas Performance – ‘A Christmas Carol’ by Charles Dickens. The performances were brilliant, the singing beautiful and costumes perfect. There was drama, emotion and humour all mixed into a festive spectacular, and we couldn’t be prouder of the children involved. Unfortunately, due to a number of covid cases within school, we had to stream the performance live via Zoom, but this showed the maturity and resilience of the children and again how supportive and understanding our parents have been over this tricky time. We have told the children that they will hopefully perform to an audience before the end of the academic year.


    This term has also seen the start of our Choir Club run by Miss Spencer. It was wonderful to hear the songs sung so beautifully down our corridor. The children have specifically been focusing on songs from the musical ‘Oliver’.


    Following on from our success at the Elizabethan Family of Schools Indoor Athletics Championships we were chosen to take part in the Bassetlaw Schools Final. Our children did us proud, finishing seventh out of the 25 schools that entered overall.


    A reminder that we want you to be part of the EVERTeam, so if you feel that you could support the school in any way or that we could support the village, then please get in touch with us.


    Best Wishes,

    Andrew Green


  • Covid-19 Update and our return to school in January 2022.

    Tue 04 Jan 2022 Mr A Green

    Dear Parents/Carers,


    I hope that you have had a lovely Christmas holiday and I am sending you the very best wishes for the new year.


    As I’m sure you will have seen in the media, the children’s return to school is being discussed so I wanted to write to you just before they return tomorrow, Tuesday 4th January 2022.  


    The government guidance for schools was updated yesterday, however, there is very little change to primary school settings. The main change is the lateral flow testing on day 6 and 7 for positive cases and more emphasis on spaces being well ventilated which you can read more about below:



    My letter will give you further detail about Everton Primary School specifically:

    Drop off and Collection
    This remains the same – children can arrive from 8.30am and the bell goes at 8.40am for the children to line up and enter school. Lessons begin at 8.45am. Collection time remains the same at 3.15pm also. Please could I request that adults waiting on the drive maintain a safe distance from one another and are considerate of others in close proximity. Please do not stay on the drive longer than you need to be.


    Health and Safety Measures

    • We will continue to clean the school regularly, including during the school day, and thoroughly.
    • Children and staff will continue to hand wash/sanitise regularly. 
    • Space between adults will continue to be maintained and face masks worn in communal areas. 
    • Classrooms will be ventilated with windows open, and the air circulation will be monitored with the devices we have in the classrooms. 
    • We will remain vigilant if symptoms begin at school and please do not send your child/children if they show symptoms. We will contact you and your child will need to be collected as soon as possible and taken for a PCR test, unfortunately a lateral flow test is not enough.


    Class Organisation 

    As I mentioned before Christmas, you have been really supportive in terms of the Covid-19 situation, and this has meant that we have only had to enter ‘bubbles’ once this academic year. The class organisation will remain the same and we will not revert to bubbles at this point, but this will be dependent on advice given to us if we have an increase in cases. 

    In other news, Classes 2 and 3 are officially swapping classrooms as of tomorrow, Tuesday 4th January 2022.



    Unfortunately, we may have staff absence difficulties going forward and this will probably be the case for most schools, therefore getting supply staff may prove difficult. We may have to look at merging classes and/or make changes to the class structure in order to organise in the best way that we can, whilst continuing to educate the children. Staff will be used flexibly to support classes/children where and when needed.

    If a staff member is too ill, they may not be able to remotely teach so alternative plans will be put in place. We will always put your child/children at the forefront of any decisions that we make regarding any of our plans and adaptations.


    Remote/home learning

    Staff are planning in a way that means, if the need arises, learning can be carried out at home if your child/their class must isolate.  Staff will put their planning on Class Dojo and also email it out. In the event of any child/class having to isolate, we will use teaching videos and Zoom sessions to teach, including for smaller targeted groups.  The amount of work your child completes at home will obviously depend on how well they are.  


    Breakfast and After School Clubs

    These clubs will continue to be in place but we ask that they are used for essential childcare need only as the clubs may be affected by staffing shortages. Kixx and Doncaster Rovers’ After School Clubs will continue as usual on a Wednesday and Friday respectively. We will do our best to keep these clubs open but there may be changes to the timings. We will aim to notify you as soon as we possibly can so that alternative childcare arrangements can be made.


    Visitors to school

    Essential visitors only will continue to visit school. They will be expected to wear a mask and will not be in close contact with staff or the children.  


    Face masks/coverings

    Government advice states that face coverings for pupils are for secondary aged children and are not required for primary settings.  Adults in school will wear a face covering if/when necessary.  


    Outbreak Plan 

    During the pandemic we have had an outbreak management plan in place.  It will be instigated if cases are at a significant level in school or we are advised to implement it by the local authority/government guidance. 

    If the plan is implemented this will mean we must take extra steps to limit the spread of the virus the main changes to school would be: the reintroduction of class bubbles; no school visitors unless absolutely essential (safeguarding/health and safety); limited or no after school clubs as we would need to restrict the mixing of groups; and if advised we would return to online learning.


    All the measures mentioned above will be kept under review and are subject to change following the evaluation of our risk assessment and/or new Government and Department for Education (DfE) guidance. 


    Please be reassured that our aim is to keep the children, staff and all of Everton Primary School’s stakeholders as safe as possible, whilst doing the best that we can to keep disruption at school to a minimum. We anticipate that this could be a difficult month or so, and therefore ask that you please bear with us, as we will always be trying to do our very best in what may be extremely challenging circumstances. 


    We thank you for your continued patience and understanding during this time. 


    If you have any further questions or queries, please do get in touch or 01777 817350


    Kindest regards, 


    Mr Andrew Green


  • December 2021

    Wed 08 Dec 2021 Mr A Green

    We are now well into December and the school has been beautifully decorated for the season, whilst the children are getting more and more excited for Christmas. In the past week or so we have spoken a lot about what Christmas means to everyone in school, but also to Christians around the world.


    The children across school have been preparing for their Nativity and Scrooge plays respectively and the singing that can be heard along the corridor is beautiful, really adding to the traditional Christmas feel. After the last couple of years, hearing the children sing evokes plenty of emotions, and I think that they’ll be some very emotional and proud parents, carers and staff during the children’s Christmas play performances.


    As part of the lead up to Christmas we have managed to hold our first ever Christmas Craft Afternoon in school. Each family were able to have a chosen adult come into school for the afternoon to work alongside them. They made a whole range of things, from decorations for the tree to delicious Christmas tree biscuits and marshmallow snowmen to share with their families. It was a lovely event and so pleasing to have adults back in school to enjoy and play an active part in their child/ren’s education.


    I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate our Year 5 and 6 children who represented Everton Primary School in the Indoor Athletics Tournament at the Elizabethan High School on Monday 6th December. We finished second overall and have now been invited to take part in the County Championships.


    In the run up to Christmas from now, in addition to the Key Stage 1 Nativity Concerts (15th&16th December), we also have Christmas Jumper Day (14th December), Christmas Dinner Day (14th December) and our Christmas Party Day (17th December).


    We are very proud of how hard our children have worked during the Autumn Term and their drive and focus to be the best that they can be. We have focused a lot on being part of the ‘EVERTeam’ – our village and local community – so if you are able to share any expertise or experiences with us or would like us to get involved with projects within the community then please don’t hesitate to get in touch before or after the new year.



    Best Wishes and season’s greetings to all,

    Andrew Green


  • November 2021

    Mon 15 Nov 2021 Mr A Green

    The children of Everton Primary School have continued to learn and thrive in the last month. In particular, they have been studying about important events of historical and multicultural significance.


    Throughout the month of November both the children and staff have been bringing information into school about relatives that have – or still are – serving in the armed forces. It has been incredibly interesting and insightful to see and read about these relatives and a display is now up in school. We have had medals, newspaper clippings, badges and uniform, as well as inside information about what the relatives achieved, participated in and experienced during wars, conflicts and in court rooms!


    In addition to the information brought in by pupils and staff, we organised for WO Johnson of the RAF to take an assembly and field questions from the children with regards to his time and experiences in the forces. He spoke about the various countries that he has served the RAF in and the impact that this had on his family. He explained to us what was meant by ‘Talking to planes’ during his role in air traffic command. He also talked to us about the importance of Remembrance Day and why we still observe it each year. This all culminated in Remembrance Day itself, where all children stood respectfully  in perfect silence for two minutes whilst we listened to the Last Post and thought about its significance.


    This month we have also discovered information about Diwali. Many of us thought that Diwali is a Hindu festival – and it is – but not many of us knew that Diwali was also celebrated by Sikhs. We were fortunate to have Suneeta, who is Sikh, join each of our classes and discuss what Diwali is and how it is celebrated, as well as what it means to both Sikhs and Hindus. She also discussed the similarities and differences between many religions and why that shows that we are all equal and one as part of the same world.


    This current week we are bringing attention to Anti-bullying Week by wearing odd socks and doing tasks within our classrooms. We will then end the week with Children in Need Day, a very worthwhile nationwide charity which helps children that need our support at home and abroad.


    Best Wishes,

    Andrew Green

