
Everton Primary School

Everyone. Everyday. Everlasting.

Cultural Capital Experiences 2023-24

Sing Out 2024 at Doncaster Dome

Luke Staton - Author - with his book ‘Credo’

Rothesway Nottingham Tennis Open 2024

Doncaster Belles Mascots - Girls’ Football Team

Doncaster Schools Football Tournament - Eco Power Stdium (Doncaster Rovers)

Everton Primary in the Bassetlaw Football League

Whole School Santa Visit!

What a wonderful way to end a wonderful year at Everton Primary School, with Santa Claus visiting each class, a lovely Christmas picnic lunch and party afternoons🎅🏼🎄
Many thanks to all our children for their hard work and progress during this calendar year, to our parents and carers for your continued support of our school and to all our staff for their dedication and care.
May I wish you all a very merry Christmas and a very happy new year 🎄🎅🏼🌟 We look forward to seeing you all again on Thursday 4th January 2024!

Annie and Nativity Productions

Today we have had two amazing performances of our Nativity and Annie productions. We couldn’t be prouder of them all. Thank you to all parents and carers who supported the showings and to all children and staff involved too.

Christmas Stories Day

The children looked fantastic in their pyjamas, Christmas clothes and non-uniform for our PJ, biscuit and Christmas stories Day today. It was lovely to hear the children reading to one another in mixed classes and sharing their favourite stories, before eating biscuits and listening to the Christmas Story as a whole school at the end of the day.

Christmas Service led by Class 2

Christmas Craft Afternoon

SCARF Day 2023

We have really enjoyed our visit from the SCARF Life Education team learning all about our bodies and mental health and wellbeing.

Children in Need 2023

Mrs Foster, our school cook, baked Pudsey biscuits for 'Children in Need 2023'. A Pudsey biscuit was given to all children who would like one. We did not not ask for any payment for the biscuits, however, any donations that you can give to Children in Need via our Just Giving page below would be greatly appreciated.
Many thanks.

Anti-Bullying Week

We have enjoyed wearing odd socks today as we learned about Anti Bullying.


Our children have had a wonderful time learning about Diwali with the West End in Schools Theatre Group. Mrs Foster’s special Diwali curry also went down very well with both children and staff alike!

Fire Safety - Bonfire Night

The Misterton Fire Brigade came into school and taught us about keeping safe around Bonfire Night 🔥

Aquabox - The Retford Rotary Club

The whole school were given a demonstration of an Aquabox by Mike and Linda from the Retford Rotary Club. An Aquabox includes a pump which filters dirty water and produces clean water. The Rotary Club use some of their funds to send Aquaboxes to countries around that world that have suffered natural disasters and have no clean running water.

Mini First Aid Qualification

Today we have qualified as Mini First Aiders 🚑

Thank you to Naomi from 'Mini First Aid' for helping us and to the PTA for supporting this important experience.

Cross Country 2023-24

Congratulations to our School Cross Country Team who finished 3rd Overall at the Bassetlaw Schools competition at Retford Oaks Academy. Also, congratulations to the three children selected to go on to the Nottinghamshire Schools Cross Country Final.

Yorkshire Building Society - Money Minds

We have been very fortunate to have the Yorkshire Building Society in school for the last couple of days teaching their ‘Money Minds’ programme to children from Years 1-6. The children have learnt about the importance of money, solved and created money problems and scenarios, and have also created a money-making party idea in groups.

Tour Of Britain 2023

What a fantastic experience and opportunity to watch the Tour of Britain pass through our village this afternoon. I think our children gave all the cyclists (and emergency services and cycle teams) an amazing welcome and ovation. Well done to all involved and thank you to all our parent helpers 🚴☀️🚴‍♀️
