
Everton Primary School

Everyone. Everyday. Everlasting.




The uniform consists of:


  • Navy blue jumper or cardigan (required)
  • Navy blue or white polo shirt/white collared shirt (‘Everton’ tie can be worn with a collared shirt - optional)
  • Grey trousers, shorts, skirt or pinafore dress (required)
  • Navy blue striped or checked dress (optional)
  • Black shoes (required)
  • PE kit - plain navy shorts or jogging bottoms, plain white or navy polo shirt or t-shirt, plain navy jogging top or sweatshirt (there should be no logos on these items other than if you decide upon having clothing items with the Everton Primary School logo) and trainers. We ask that earrings are removed or covered with plasters for PE lessons. (required)


We have a stock of pre-loved uniform items available for pupils in school. Please contact Mrs Bailey (tel 01777 817350 or email to check availability of items and sizes.


School uniform does not require the school logo and can be purchased from a retailer of your choice.


My Clothing can provide all logoed uniform, PE kit and school bags. 
