Modern Foreign Language (MFL) - French
At Everton Primary School, we believe MFL is an essential part of our curriculum; we intend for all our children to learn the French language throughout their time in Key Stage 2. Our intent is for our teachers to deliver the National Curriculum, promoting a genuine enthusiasm and curiosity so children have a real thirst for a second language. Our belief is that children should be given the opportunity to explore relationships, between language and identity, developing a clear understanding of other cultures and the world around them, giving them confidence to understand the importance of equity and diversity. We intend for our children to develop a clear understanding of cultural differences and respect these. Our curriculum intends to give children the ambition to be life-long learners of French. It is our aim children understand the culture, food and how to communicate in French. We intend to create children who value teamwork but also can work with independence to explore the French language.
As we have 2 mixed classes in Key Stage 2, our French Curriculum has been designed on a 2-year rolling programme. This is to ensure all National Curriculum is taught to all our pupils before they leave our school.
Children will be provided with a balance of spoken and written language and will lay the foundations in preparation for MFL in Key Stage 3. Children will be given the opportunity to understand and communicate ideas, facts and feelings in speech and writing.
The way in which we implement our curriculum:
- The standards for French have been mapped out on our progression document, ensuring children year on year develop progressive knowledge and skills.
- The school uses the scheme 'Language Angels' to complement the teaching of their French standards.
- French is taught every week of each term (see progression maps and long term plans).
- Teachers use standards and break this down into smaller learning objectives; these are mapped out on Medium Term Plans, which develops sequential and cumulative learning and progression.
- In a French lesson, there will be: 1. Revisit and review, 2. Vocabulary development, 3. Teacher input (modelling), 4. Learning task, involving speaking and/or writing and 5. Assessment of learning and review of the lesson.
- Within our lessons, a key component is to review previous learning, allowing children to understand their learning journey and giving them the confidence to be able to articulate their understanding and link learning together. Learning is reviewed in a range of ways: quizzes, games and mini assessments. Teachers also review through morning starter activities. This keeps learning refreshed and supports their long-term retention.
- Vocabulary is an integral part of our French curriculum; we believe it is crucial we give our children the language to talk like linguists, developing ambition to one day become a linguist. All children are given vocabulary mats at the beginning of each new unit; this vocabulary is then driven throughout the unit, ensuring children have a clear understanding of it and equipped to use it.
- When a French unit is studied, throughout all classrooms, a learning journey is built in books, displaying a build up of knowledge and skills and allowing the children a key point of reference to review their learning.
- Teachers assess each lesson's Learning Objectives and will indicate if learning has required support or has been carried out with independence. Along with teachers assessing learning, children are also required to show independence by assessing their own learning.
The amazing Linguists of Everton Primary School will (by the end of Year 6):
- Be able to listen attentively to conversations and join in appropriately.
- Know how to read and write phrases, questions and short passages, linked to school, the weekend, healthy lifestyle, food, animals, weather, clothes, home, family, home and the date.
- Know the spelling, sound and meaning of a range of words.
- Know how to use basic language structures, familiar vocabulary and phrases.
- Know how to use a French dictionary to support their learning of new words.
- Consolidate their understanding and use of phonics, conjunctions, gender, nouns, and adjectives.
- Have increasing confidence, fluency and correct pronunciation in conversations.
Our Progression Document, Long Term and Medium Term plans display the learning for each point throughout our MFL Curriculum.