Everyone. Everyday. Everlasting.
At Everton, we believe Maths is an essential part of our curriculum; our intent is that we will promote a real love for maths, promoting children’s curiosity and enthusiasm within the subject area. We intend for our curriculum to be fun, practical and engaging, giving children a sense of excitement and the ability to use maths in their daily lives with confidence. Teachers will deliver the National Curriculum, promoting a real thirst for understanding, creating ambition to become Mathematicians of the future. We aspire that all children are equipped with mathematical knowledge, skills and vocabulary to use in today’s world and tomorrow’s.
It is our intent to develop conceptual understanding, where children will become fluent with calculation and have the resilience to apply this to reasoning problems and word problems. Throughout our teaching of mathematics, we intend to give children a secure understanding of number and fluency in counting, in a variety of ways. Our promise is to develop vocabulary, giving our children a secure understanding to use their maths in a wide variety of contexts. We intend to make our maths lessons collaborative, where there will be strong sense of teamwork and problem solving together; providing children with opportunities to learn from their peers. At times, children will be required to work independently and this will provide teachers excellent opportunities for assessment.
At Everton, we have a very clear approach to our maths lessons, ensuring a range of skills are developed within each maths lesson.
Counting | At the beginning of each maths lesson, the children will start with some counting. There will be a key focus on counting in a range of multiples, in ascending and descending order. This is interactive and will give opportunity for teacher questioning. For more information please see our counting progression document.
Vocabulary Development | Children will spend some time reviewing previous vocabulary and will learn new vocabulary. This part of the lesson will be driven by teamwork, games and discussion.
Talk Task | This part of the lesson provides an opportunity to review some previous learning. A key focus here will be to work collaboratively to do a mini-investigation or solve a short reasoning question. The key here is for children to revisit previous learning.
Skills Development | Teachers will model the new skills (the Learning Objectives) until they feel confident children are ready to ‘have a go’.
Children will practise the skill the teacher has modelled. This will be done within their maths book. Teacher to ‘live mark’ and provide support appropriately.
Reasoning Development | Teacher will model a reasoning question, ensuring a key focus on mathematical talk and ‘thinking out loud’.
Children will solve some reasoning problems, which closely link to the one that the teacher has modelled. Reasoning problems will allow children to apply their new skill to a problem solving context. Teacher to ‘live mark’ and provide support appropriately.
Digging Deeper | Some children will be required to ‘dig deeper’ so an extra challenge will be provided for these children. This challenge will link to the focus of learning within the lesson.
Review of learning | Children will review their learning and teachers will review learning. |
From Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) up to Year 6, there is a dedicated daily teaching slot, where a maths lesson is taught. Teachers follow the White Rose Units in the order in which they are documented on the White Rose Website. Please see our Long-Term Plan, which shows when each maths units is taught. To inform planning, teachers ensure a pre-assessment of learning takes place. This ensures teachers are planning and preparing based on what the children already know and gives an indication of the children who may need more support or challenge throughout a unit. At the end of each unit, a post-assessment takes place; this informs teachers continual assessment and indicates any children who may need some post-unit work.
In Key Stages 1 and 2, there is a daily short arithmetic session within each class. This is a 10-15 minutes session, where arithmetic, number or counting will be focused upon, ensuring key skills are continually revisited and reviewed.
Weekly, within Key Stages 1 and 2, an arithmetic assessment is carried out. Mostly, Rising Stars assessments are used. However, in Year 5/6, some teacher made arithmetic assessments will be used. After each assessment, scores are collated and the assessments of children scoring below 50% are analysed, which informs intervention groups and whole-class arithmetic sessions during the week after.
The school provides opportunities to learn and practise times tables; this can either be in the maths lesson or arithmetic session. Overlearning of this also takes place outside of school, where children have the opportunity to practise their skills on Times Table Rockstars.
Within our maths lessons, a variety of concrete resources and pictorial representations are used to support learning, along with providing sentence stems to enable children to talk mathematically.
We recognise some children may require additional support outside of the maths lesson. The interventions which are used to support these children are:
In the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), we follow Development Matters. We develop a strong grounding of number, developing an understanding of relationships and patterns within numbers. Each day, children have a mathematical input and this focus will then be reflected in our Provision Areas. This promotes curiosity and provides children the opportunity to learn independently through their own discovery.
The way in which we implement our curriculum:
The amazing Mathematicians of Everton Primary School will (by the end of Year 6):
Our Long Term and Medium Term plans display the learning for each point throughout our Mathematics Curriculum.