
Everton Primary School

Everyone. Everyday. Everlasting.


Our Curriculum Intent


At Everton Primary School, the children are at the heart of everything that we do. Our curriculum is based on sequenced skills, knowledge and understanding. This encourages our children to be ambitious, have the confidence to ask questions of themselves and to have high aspirations for their own attainment.


Our children show enthusiasm towards their learning and are encouraged to persevere in order to progress. Beyond this, we develop a culture of resilience and wellbeing through kindness, honesty and respect.


In addition to this, individuality is both nurtured and celebrated, whilst curiosity and involvement in our local community and surrounding areas creates well-rounded children who know that they belong.


We encourage children's independence throughout their time at our school so that they are ready for the next steps of their learning journey. By creating an ethos of care, nurture and teamwork our children know that they are part of our EVERTeam whilst attending Everton Primary School, but also know that when they leave they will continue to be part of our FOREVERTeam.

At Everton Primary School we follow the National Curriculum. Our mixed age classes mean that we adapt the curriculum to meet our children's needs. As a staff team, we have worked hard to create a curriculum that is tailored to our school, pupils and community with the aim of all members of the EVERTeam achieving their full potential. 


Listed below are our curriculum progression documents and planning cycles for each year group for the current academic year and how we make the curriculum accessible for those children with disabilities or special educational needs (SEND). Your child's class teacher is the best point of contact if you'd like more information about the current learning.


If you would like any further information about the curriculum that our school is following, then please contact Mr Green via the School Manager ( and 01777 817350).
