Everyone. Everyday. Everlasting.
Here at Everton Primary School we have started the new Summer Term with several new after school clubs: Choir (who are preparing to take part in Sing Out at Doncaster Dome); Outdoor Adventure Club – which involves taking part in Commando Joe and Cross-curricular Orienteering exercises; and Gardening Club – kindly being led by Victoria and Sarah from the Everton Garden Holders to encourage our gardeners of the future.
Before the Easter break our Foundation Stage children visited Haughton Park House Farm. Following their visit, the children helped incubate some eggs for Farmer Jenny before returning the chicks to her. Farmer Jenny has continued to keep the children updated with pictures of how the chicks are growing – they have enjoyed comparing and making observations about the chicks’ differences and how much their favourite chicks have grown.
Congratulations to our Year 5 children who took part in their DAaRT Graduation. Drug, Alcohol and Resistance Training (DAaRT) lessons took place over the course of ten weeks in the Spring Term. The children had specialist lessons from a DAaRT Officer covering lots of topics and scenarios that our older children might come across in the next few years. The DAaRT Graduation ensured that we celebrated our Year 5’s knowledge and maturity.
Class 2 have an exciting couple of weeks coming up, not only have they started their topic of the Stone Age, but they are heading on their residential visit to Kingswood. At Kingswood the Year 3 and 4 children will be taking part in lots of outdoor adventurous activities such as Jacob’s ladder, laser tag, climbing, fencing and zip wire amongst other things – we look forward to hearing all about them upon their return!
I would like to take this opportunity to publicly send our congratulations to our Class 1 teacher Mrs Milburn on the birth of her daughter, Libby. Despite currently being on Maternity Leave, Mrs Milburn kindly brought Libby into school on our first day back after the Easter holidays, which was very exciting for both the children and staff.
We currently have a Parent Governor position available on our school's Governing Body. If anyone is interested in possibly supporting school in this role then I can discuss details and commitments with you. We also currently have child places available in Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 6. If you, or anyone you know, would like to visit our lovely school then please feel free to contact me via Mrs Keely Bailey in the school office on 01777 817350 or email: office@everton.notts.sch.uk
Best wishes,
Andrew Green