Everyone. Everyday. Everlasting.
As the autumn term comes to an end, it is a good time to update you on news at
Everton Primary. Please take a moment to read our updates.
We no longer send regular newsletters because we use Parentmail and Class Dojo to let you know about key information relevant to your child’s class. Please make sure that you are signed up to receive Parentmail and Class Dojo updates otherwise you will not receive information from school. Please pop in to see Mrs Bailey in the school office if you need help with either of these, or if there is a reason why we need to communicate with you in a different way.
I’m delighted to be able to tell you that our collaboration partner school, Mattersey Primary School, has just received a ‘good’ outcome at an inspection by Ofsted. The inspector praised the partnership between our two schools. Small schools working together is an efficient and effective way of providing education to small villages. I’m pleased that we are making our partnership work so well for both communities.
I have been so grateful that the majority of our parents have understood the need not to park or stop along Chapel Lane where the yellow markings are. Thank you for helping to keep all children safe. If you could remind child-minders, grandparents, etc. of our request and also remember not to stop to let children out or park opposite the driveway gate, that would be appreciated.
Admissions to our school
We have a few spaces in some of our year groups, so if you know of anyone considering a school move, please let them know that we might have a place for their child and encourage them to contact us. Similarly, if you know of anyone with pre-school aged children, do encourage them to visit our nursery so that they can secure a place for their child. We continue to offer care for all children, including nursery aged children, from 8am to 5pm at excellent rates. Our upcoming nursery/reception open sessions take place on the 12th December, 1pm to 3pm and 10th January 10:30-12. Prospective parents do not need to pre-book an appointment, they can just come and see us at one of those sessions. Parents can use the 15 or 30-hours funding with us if they are eligible.
Thank you for your continuing support of your children and our school. As ever, if you have anything you’d like to discuss with me, please catch me at the gate or come in to see me.
From everyone at Everton Primary School, we hope that you enjoy a very Merry Christmas and we look forward to a great new year.
With very best wishes,
Paul Higginbottom