
Everton Primary School

Everyone. Everyday. Everlasting.

December 2022

In the last month at Everton Primary School we have been preparing for Christmas! Our Foundation Stage and Class 1 children have been working really hard preparing for their ‘Boogie Woogie’ Nativity, which is taking place in the Village Hall on Tuesday 13th and Thursday 15th December 2022. Alongside the Nativity plays, we are also having parents in for our Christmas Craft Afternoon on 16th December; Christmas Fair and ‘Dragon’s Den’ led by Class 3 on Monday 19th December; and our Christmas service at Holy trinity church led by Class 2 on Wednesday 2st December.


Congratulations to the Class 3 children who took part in the Bassetlaw Sports Hall Athletics Final. After qualifying first from the Elizabethan Family of Schools event, we finished a very respectable fifth in the Bassetlaw Final. Over 30 schools took part in the two events, so it is a wonderful achievement.


On Friday 9th December the 'Everton Primary School Musical Spectacular' took place at the Everton Village Hall. The showcase featured the School Choir and some of our fantastic musicians. It was fabulous for the children’s parents and members of our village to both enjoy the talents of our children.


As a school please can we offer our thanks to Tabbie Routledge who donated some old vinyl singles to the school’s PTA that we managed to sell for £110. It is this money that has funded selection boxes (and wrapping paper) for all the children at Everton Primary School this Christmas.


As I am sure you’re aware, at Everton Primary School we are very fortunate to have a lovely village school with a very capable, kind and caring staff. If you, or anyone you know, have preschool or primary aged children and would like to make visit to look around our school with a view to attending, we currently have a space in each of our Nursery, Reception, Year 4 and Year 5 age groups.


Best Wishes and Merry Christmas,

Andrew Green

