
Everton Primary School

Everyone. Everyday. Everlasting.

February 2023

February has been a wellbeing-filled month for the children of Everton Primary School. As a school we took part in ‘Child Mental Health Week’. Over the course this week each of our assemblies, as well as learning in classes, revolved around ways in which our children can look after their own and others’ mental wellbeing. On Wednesday 8th February the whole school congregated on the playground after assembly at the end of the day and were given bubbles to blow. The children were encouraged to visualise watching their worries and negative feelings float away in a really visual way. The bubbles were kindly donated by local children’s mental health charity ‘Help me, I’m fine’.

On Tuesday 7th February, which linked in very well with our ‘Child Mental Health Week’ plans, we focused our attentions on ‘Safer Internet Day’. This year’s theme was “Want to talk about it?”, so lessons revolved around how the children can keep themselves safe by communicating what they are doing and anything that upsets them whilst they are online.

In other news, it was lovely to welcome four of our governors - Mrs Crowe, Mrs Mallinson, Mrs Preece and Mrs Hughes - into school this month. They visited our classrooms and observed the children in their learning environments during science lessons. Our governors were very impressed as they watched the children being scientists and gaining new knowledge about habitats, floating and sinking, switches, electricity and circuits.


As we are part of the Club Doncaster Foundation, Doncaster Rovers player Ben Close came to Everton Primary School to take part in an After-school Club session with our children. Fast forward to 10.09 minutes in to watch our children within 'The Red and White Show (episode 15)' online podcast:


In big and exciting news, as a school we have decided to undertake a large project which we believe will be of benefit to both our current and future children at Everton Primary School. Alongside our governors and PTA, we have decided to focus our attentions towards creating a new building by the side of the current Log Cabin. The building will be of a similar size to our Log Cabin, but will be used as an extra learning environment which can be separated in half to be used as two ‘breakout’ rooms. Therefore, the PTA have kindly started a ‘Go Fund Me’ page. This page is to enable us to work our way towards our target of £50,000 to put towards this building.

The monies raised from PTA events throughout the year will continue to go towards immediate projects, for example, the purchase of music equipment and the current playground renovations which have happened and are happening this academic year, but from now on a percentage of monies made will also go towards this long-term building project.

We want to say a huge thank you to anyone who can financially contribute or can share this fundraiser with friends or family. You are investing in the next generation's education, which is invaluable.

For further information on this project please follow the ‘Go Fund Me’ page link:


Everton Primary School is a lovely village school with a very capable, kind and caring staff. If you, or anyone you know, have preschool or primary aged children and would like to make visit to look around our school with a view to attending, we currently have a space in each of our Nursery, Reception, Year 4 and Year 5 age groups.


Best Wishes,

Andrew Green

