Everyone. Everyday. Everlasting.
May I start by wishing everyone a very happy new year from Everton Primary School.
As they always do, our children have returned to school so positively and are enjoying their new tasks and topics. Our Foundation Stage has been turned into a ‘Dinosaur Kingdom’ with the Nursery and Reception children focusing on the book ‘Mad About dinosaurs’ within their topic of ‘Prehistoric Pals’. The children have and have linked this theme into all of their work across the curriculum areas.
In Class 1 the children have researched Africa in geography, completed shape work in maths, done science and DT work on materials and construction, whilst using role play in English linked to their new text: ‘Mama Panya’s Pancakes’.
Class 2 have started the year by revolving their work around the topic of Ancient Egypt and mysterious newspaper articles and evidence surrounding the death of King Tut. I’m sure that our Year 3 and 4 children will get to the bottom of this mystery as the term progresses!
Our oldest children in Class 3 have started the year by completing their work on the Victorian story of ‘Street Child’, before moving on to a new theme of ‘Space and our Solar System’. This topic has also involved the children exploring sundials in DT and maps and globes in Geography. The Year 5 children have also started DAaRT sessions, which are taught by a DArRT Officer and covers a variety of social and emotional topics to help the children prepare for secondary school and teenage life.
For your information we currently have child places available in Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 6. If you, or anyone you know, would like to visit our lovely school then please feel free to contact me via Mrs Keely Bailey in the school office on 01777 817350 or email: office@everton.notts.sch.uk
Best wishes,
Andrew Green