Everyone. Everyday. Everlasting.
July’s learning has centred around ‘Transition’ and our ‘EverTeam’ ethos at Everton Primary School. All children have spent time in their new classes alongside their new cohort whilst getting to know each other and their new teachers; whilst our Year 6 children have spent time at their new secondary schools. We also invited parents and carers into school for our ‘Show Time’, which gave them a chance to view their children’s fabulous work that they’ve produce over the academic year.
During the past few weeks before the summer break, as always, we have kept ourselves busy with plenty of educational opportunities for our children including: our Year 6 children going on their final residential together to Perlethorpe; our school choir and drama group starting work on our production of The Jungle Book as well as watching the Elizabethan Academy’s Matilda production; our Year 6 cinema trip to watch ‘Inside Out’; our Class 3 World War 2 Day; Commando Joe’s curriculum based learning opportunities; Class 2 swimming; our Summer Fayre; our Helper Parent Tea Party; and our Leavers’ Water Fight to name but a few!
Unfortunately, it has come to the end of another academic year and we must say ‘Goodbye’ to our wonderful Year 6 cohort. They will all be missed, but we are very proud of them and the successes they have had and the progressions that they have made at Everton Primary School – not only academically, but socially and emotionally too. We know that they will continue to succeed and progress in their next chapter of learning at their chosen secondary schools.
I would like to finish by saying how thankful I am for all the hard work put in at Everton Primary School to make it such a successful academic year by everyone associated with the school: children, parents, carers, governors, staff and the local community. I wish you all a lovely summer.
Best wishes,
Andrew Green
We are accepting child places for September in both Nursery and Reception, so if you, or anyone you know, would like to visit our lovely school then please feel free to contact me via Mrs Keely Bailey in the school office on 01777 817350 or email: office@everton.notts.sch.uk