Everyone. Everyday. Everlasting.
On Tuesday 25th and Wednesday 26th April 2023, Everton Primary was assessed by Ofsted. We are delighted to share with you that the school has been graded as ‘Good’. The full report has now been made public and can be viewed on our website: www.evertonprimary.co.uk
As you can see from a couple of comments from our Ofsted Report above, the relationships between all stakeholders of Everton Primary School are incredibly important, and I believe, what makes our school such a wonderful place to work and learn. As I stated when I first arrived at Everton Primary School – the children are at the heart of everything we do and we are determined to create a school that is central to village life.
As a school we are now looking for a new Co-opted Governor. A Co-opted Governor is an individual from the community who has skills and experience that will help to support the school continue with its positive progress. A Co-opted Governor does not have to be from an education background – just someone that cares and wants the best for the children and school. If you feel that you could fulfil this role, or would like more information about it, then please give me a call via the school office: 01777 817350.
Everton Primary School would like to invite any parents, carers or local community members who have helped in school throughout the academic year to a tea party at 2pm on Wednesday 12th July 2023. So, if you have helped with anything: walking down to church with the children, taken children to sporting events, been on the PTA or governors, donated books etc. – whatever you have done – then you are invited and more than welcome! If you would like to attend, then please could you email Mrs Bailey in the school office: office@everton.notts.sch.uk so that we can accommodate for the correct numbers. Many thanks for your continued support.
In other news this month, our Year 1 and 2 children in Class 1 went on a school visit to Brodsworth Hall and Gardens as part of their ‘Plants’ topic. The children experienced a beautiful day surrounded by, and learning about, the world around them. We must note how pleased we were with the children’s behaviour and how they represented the school whilst on the trip, our staff were incredibly proud of how many positive comments they received from the general public.
As we move into the final half term before the summer holidays, it is worth mentioning that we have a space in each of our current Nursery, Reception, Year 3 and Year 5 age groups for the next academic year. If you would like to arrange a visit to this wonderful village school, then please call or email us to arrange a visit (office@everton.notts.sch.uk or 01777817350).
Best wishes,
Andrew Green