
Everton Primary School

Everyone. Everyday. Everlasting.

May 2023

During the month of May our Year 6 and Year 2 children have been taking part in their national SATs Tests. Although they are given to children to measure academic progress and attainment, they will never paint the full picture of each child’s progress during their time at Everton Primary School.

As a school, and as a Headteacher, I couldn’t be prouder of our pupils for all that they achieve throughout their primary school journey here at Everton. No test will show us what we already know: what kind, caring and conscientious children they are, children who are wonderful individuals that come together every day to try their very best to improve and succeed - that’s all we can ever ask for.


Prior to the SATs Tests, on Tuesday 25th and Wednesday 26th April 2023, Everton Primary was assessed by Ofsted. We now await the report which has not been made public yet, but whatever the result, the governors, staff and I are all proud of what we have achieved and the direction that the school is going. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all stakeholders of Everton Primary School: staff, parents, governors, the local community and most of all our incredible children for their ongoing hard work and support.


Finally, it is with a heavy heart that we have to say goodbye to Mr Richard Scott, our Assistant Headteacher, who is retiring on Wednesday 24th May 2023. Richard has dedicated himself to our school for almost 20 years, and quite simply, Everton Primary School will not be the same without him. I would like to thank Richard for his service to our school and personally for all of his support during my tenure here. We all wish him every success and happiness during his well-earned retirement.


Best wishes,


Andrew Green

