Everyone. Everyday. Everlasting.
Dear All,
I hope that this message finds you all well and that you have had a lovely summer. We are looking forward to welcoming all our children back and getting to know some new faces too on Thursday 1st September 2022.
Our morning and afternoon routines remain the same as the last academic year:
FSU (Nursery and reception)
Drop off: Children will enter the Office Main Entrance (Nursery gate next to the Office Entrance) at 8.30am for an 8.40am register in class. Parents may accompany their child onto the school site (to the gate) and will be met by Miss Oakley or Mrs Fisher and taken into their classroom.
Pick up: Parents may pick their children up from the area outside the Office Entrance at the end of their session: 11.45am (FS1-Nursery) and 3.15pm (FS2-Reception).
Key Stage 1 (Class 1) & Key Stage 2 (Classes 2 and 3)
Drop off: Children may enter via the gate to the main playground no sooner than 8.30am, the bell will ring at 8.40am for the children to line up and enter school. There will be a member of staff on duty from 8.30am to ensure your children’s safety.
KS1 Pick up: Parents may pick their children up from the main playground at 3.15pm.
KS2 Pick up: Parents are to wait for their children outside on the side gate drive at 3.15pm.
PE Kit
Like last year, we are very fortunate to be able to welcome Doncaster Rovers on a Wednesday and Kixx on a Friday to take specialist PE sessions. I am happy for the children to continue to come to school in their PE kit to school on Wednesday and Fridays. PE kit includes:
P.E. Kit should be as plain as possible and not have any big logos on it.
Please label all items of clothing with your child’s name. Book bags and school uniform (including PE kit) can be purchased from M & S - tel. 0844 544 7972 or at mandsyourschooluniform.com. However, there is no obligation to get uniform with the school logo upon it and it is possible to get good quality ‘pre-loved’ uniform for a small cost from the school office/PTA if you would prefer.
Jewellery is not allowed in school for safety reasons, except for simple studs and watches. Watches that link to a mobile device are not allowed in school. All items must be removed for games, swimming and other physical activities by the children themselves. School cannot take responsibility for any jewellery brought into school.
Hair styles must be formal and make-up is not allowed. Please ensure your child has a water bottle daily which contains water.
Breakfast Club (before school) and Fun Club (after school)
Out-of-school and wraparound childcare can offer provision to all children. Breakfast Club is available from 7:45am daily, for all ages, charged at £3.50 per session - children are served a healthy breakfast consisting of toast, juice and cereals as well as being able to access a range of activities provided by Mrs Foster.
Fun Club is available Monday to Friday from 3:15pm - 5pm with various activities available for children to participate in with Mrs Foster. Fun club is available as a pre-book or last minute drop-in service until 4pm, charged at £3.50. We will also offer two further pick up times: 4:30 and 5pm. Charges will be a further £2.50 per half hour. Please note that if your child is collected later than 4pm, you will incur the next half hourly charge.
Doncaster Rovers (Wednesday) and Kixx (Friday) will be running their afterschool clubs from 3.15pm – 4.15pm as they did last year.
This academic year there are going to be a variety of clubs available to your children. Details of these will be communicated to you soon by the member of staff taking them.
Communication is incredibly important, as a school we want to ensure that everyone’s voice is heard. Staff are available on the playground for short messages or to make a mutually convenient time to meet if necessary. Class Dojo is a really good communication tool, allowing you to message staff who can then reply as soon as they are able to. For time sensitive issues please phone the school office on 01777 817350.
If your child is too poorly for school, please email or telephone the office. The office will ring you on the day your child is absent if you have not notified them of a reason why. The advice for Covid-19 remains the same – if your child tests positive for Covid-19/shows symptoms, then please keep them off school for three days or until they feel better.
Holidays are not permitted during term time and we cannot authorise them. Our attendance as a school was only just above the national average during the last academic so we need to show improvements this year – we do not want any of our parents to be fined.
School Dinners
School dinners are now on a three-week menu. Packed lunches need to be in line with healthy eating guidance and not contain sweets, chocolate bars and fizzy/energy drinks. Menus are updated on the school website and Class Dojo.
Class |
Teacher/s |
Teaching Assistant |
FSU – Reception and Nursery |
Miss A Oakley (Mon-Fri) |
Mrs C Fisher |
Class 1 |
Mrs S Oldbury (Mon-Wed) Mrs D Milburn (Wed-Fri) |
Miss S Strickland |
Class 2 |
Miss E Spencer (Mon-Fri)
Mrs T Evers |
Class 3 |
Mr R Scott (Mon-Thurs) Mrs E Flint (Fri) |
Miss C Scott (Mon-Tues) Mrs P Dyer (Wed-Fri) |
We welcome Miss Oakley as our new FSU Lead on a full time basis. We also welcome Mrs Flint who will be teaching Class 3 on a Friday until Christmas and Miss Scott who will be a Teaching Assistant in Class 3 until Christmas also.
As a school we congratulate Mrs Milburn (Miss Bawden) on her marriage over the summer holidays and wish her and her husband all the very best future.
Building Work
Over the summer holidays we have made some changes to the school building itself. The Library has been halved and made into the staffroom creating a much wider and longer hall, and the staffroom has been ripped out and a new library created in its place. Class 1 has also been re-decorated. I will be updating Class Dojo with pictures very soon.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the parents/carers involved with helping the school with these changes over the summer. Particularly Mr Lee and SL2 for the building work, Mr Brennan for fitting the carpets and Mr Atkinson for his help with the paint work.
I must also thank all of you for your support during the last academic year raising funds for the new library, which will make such a positive impact on the children’s love of reading and the overall modernisation and feel within school.
We look forward to welcoming you back soon,
Kindest regards,
Mr Andrew Green