Everyone. Everyday. Everlasting.
Happy New Year – academic year that is! It has been lovely to welcome back children and parents – both new and old – to Everton Primary School. The first week was incredibly warm but the children were able to take their learning outside and enjoy our new Commando Joe’s Hub built over the summer as well as cheer on the Tour of Britain cyclists. The Tour of Britain passing through Everton gave our children the chance to line Bawtry Road and support the professional cyclists as they rode through the Nottinghamshire stage of the tour. Our children were also very excited about the police and ambulance services passing through as they waved and switched their sirens on whilst passing the them.
Lots of our children entered the Village Show hosted by the Everton Garden Holders on Sunday 17th September, with many children discussing how proud of their placings and commendations they were. Whilst talking about the Everton Garden Holders, I must also send my congratulation and thanks to Victoria Oaks and Sarah Troop who received the RHS Certificate for their work with the School Gardening Club. This club was extremely popular during the summer term and the time, support and advice that they both gave to our pupils was most appreciated, not to mention the vegetables they grew!
In the next couple of weeks our children will be taking part in a Mini First Aid Day, which has been purchased by our PTA, where they will be taught basic first aid. If any parents/carers (new or old) feel that they could help support our school's PTA then it would be most helpful and beneficial. The PTA have done so much to raise money and support the children of our school in the last couple of years and it'd be great to get some new members. If you would like any further information about being a PTA member, then please feel free to contact me via the school office or access the PTA Facebook page: www.facebook.com/evertonPTA. The PTA also run a school lottery that you can enter if you so wish: https://www.yourschoollottery.co.uk/lottery/school/everton-primary-school. All funds raised from PTA events go towards supporting experiences – like the Mini First Aid event above – for our current pupils.
Finally, it is worth mentioning that we still have a space in each of our current Nursery, Reception, Year 1, Year 4 and Year 6 age groups for this academic year. If you would like to arrange a visit to this wonderful village school, then please call or email us to arrange a visit (office@everton.notts.sch.uk or 01777817350).
Best wishes,
Andrew Green