
Everton Primary School

Everyone. Everyday. Everlasting.

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  • November 2021

    Mon 15 Nov 2021 Mr A Green

    The children of Everton Primary School have continued to learn and thrive in the last month. In particular, they have been studying about important events of historical and multicultural significance.


    Throughout the month of November both the children and staff have been bringing information into school about relatives that have – or still are – serving in the armed forces. It has been incredibly interesting and insightful to see and read about these relatives and a display is now up in school. We have had medals, newspaper clippings, badges and uniform, as well as inside information about what the relatives achieved, participated in and experienced during wars, conflicts and in court rooms!


    In addition to the information brought in by pupils and staff, we organised for WO Johnson of the RAF to take an assembly and field questions from the children with regards to his time and experiences in the forces. He spoke about the various countries that he has served the RAF in and the impact that this had on his family. He explained to us what was meant by ‘Talking to planes’ during his role in air traffic command. He also talked to us about the importance of Remembrance Day and why we still observe it each year. This all culminated in Remembrance Day itself, where all children stood respectfully  in perfect silence for two minutes whilst we listened to the Last Post and thought about its significance.


    This month we have also discovered information about Diwali. Many of us thought that Diwali is a Hindu festival – and it is – but not many of us knew that Diwali was also celebrated by Sikhs. We were fortunate to have Suneeta, who is Sikh, join each of our classes and discuss what Diwali is and how it is celebrated, as well as what it means to both Sikhs and Hindus. She also discussed the similarities and differences between many religions and why that shows that we are all equal and one as part of the same world.


    This current week we are bringing attention to Anti-bullying Week by wearing odd socks and doing tasks within our classrooms. We will then end the week with Children in Need Day, a very worthwhile nationwide charity which helps children that need our support at home and abroad.


    Best Wishes,

    Andrew Green

